
Find out more about Care Home Volunteers

Your Donation Will Make a Difference

Make a better life for older people in care

Your donation will help us recruit, train and support more volunteers in their fantastic work in helping older people living in care homes. Care Homes do a wonderful job in looking after their residents with care and compassion, but carers do not have extended periods of time to spend with residents on a one to one basis. Every pound donated helps us make residents’ time in care brighter and more fulfilling in this, the last stage of their lives.

Make our volunteers even more skilful

We ask our volunteers to befriend the neediest residents. These are often those with dementia or other conditions which make communication difficult for them. Many residents cannot leave their rooms to join in organised activities because of their physical condition. Some are in the final weeks of their lives. We can provide further training on older peoples’ conditions, safeguarding, communication skills.

Make care homes part of their communities

We recruit our volunteers from neighbourhoods close to the care home. Care homes welcome our trained volunteers because they keep residents in touch with life outside. 40,000 residents never receive a visit from anyone. An older person in care is still a resident of their town. Your donation will help us help a care home to be as much a part of the local community as is the local school.

Meet Our Supporters

Before and since Care Home Volunteers become a registered charity, we have been supported by a number of organisations. Without their continued support, we would not be where we are today.

Wiltshire Care Partnership
The Wiltshire Care Partnership (WCP) was established in 2012 and registered as a not for profit company limited by guarantee. The decision to establish a provider-led forum within Wiltshire arose from an initiative by the Wiltshire branch of the Registered Nursing Homes Association and the Wiltshire Care Home Association and was supported by Wiltshire Council.
Age UK Wiltshire
Age UK Wiltshire is an independent local charity championing older people in Wiltshire and Swindon, promoting the well-being of older people in Wiltshire and Swindon helping make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.
Wiltshire Community Foundation
Wiltshire Community Foundation is an independent charity that gives grants and funding to the voluntary sector and charities across Wiltshire and Swindon. We are an expert on local need and disadvantage in communities and offer high quality advice and support for all types of donors who want to make a difference in their local area.
The Tudor Trust
The Tudor Trust is an independent grant-making charitable trust. We fund a wide range of organisations working to support positive changes in people's lives and in their communities around the UK. We don’t have specific funding programmes designed to advance any particular agenda as we think that the groups we support are best placed to identify problems and develop solutions.
Chippenham Borough Lands Charity
The Chippenham Borough Lands Charity is an organisation that benefits the majority of Chippenham's population. Through funding, encouragement, and guidance, Chippenham Borough Lands ensures that all generations have the opportunity to grow and succeed. By benefiting the people of Chippenham and only those within the area, the Charity maintains high levels of support that aids the diverse groups in the town community
Zurich Community Trust
Zurich is committed to be a good corporate citizen, and in doing so to encourage and support its employees to do their part to make a better world. Zurich delivers its community involvement programme through the Zurich Community Trust (UK) Ltd, a registered charity which is funded by an annual donation from the Zurich UK businesses and by generous donations from Zurich's UK employees. Since its inception in 1973, the Trust has donated over £65 million. "Last year we delivered £2.8 million of charitable activities and, through the full range of our programmes, improved the quality of life of over 100,000 disadvantaged people."
Charles Hayward Foundation

The Charles Hayward Foundation is a grant-making charitable trust making awards to charities that are registered in the U.K. The organisation is governed by a board of voluntary trustees, chaired by Mrs. Sue Heath.

Salisbury City Council

Community Development - We are the first point of contact and a sounding block for individuals and communities to express themselves and their interest in becoming more involved in bringing local benefit to their area.
We can provide guidance, advice and support on local projects, new ideas or just becoming more involved in local issues.

The Sobell Foundation

The Sobell Foundation was established by the late Sir Michael Sobell in 1977 for general charitable purposes and is a grant-making trust with which he was actively involved until shortly before his death in 1993.  The deed of charitable trust, under which the Sobell Foundation was formed, is not specific about the objects of the Trust and allows the Trustees absolute discretion to apply funds for general charitable purposes.

Tesco's Bags of Help

Tesco community grants fund thousands of local projects right across the UK.  Projects that bring benefit to their community will get the green light – these range from improving community buildings and outdoor spaces to buying new equipment, training coaches or volunteers and hosting community events.

Samuel William Farmer Trust

Support organisations undertaking projects that benefit poor people who, through ill health/old age, are unable to earn their own livelihood. They will also support education/training, local community work and wildlife/conservation projects

The Allen Lane Foundation
The Allen Lane Foundation is a grant-making trust which was established in 1966. The founder was Sir Allen Lane, who set up the publishing company Penguin Books. His family are involved in the running of the trust – two of his granddaughters are Trustees. "We award funding for charitable purposes across the UK. Our focus is on funding ‘unpopular causes’ and we currently make grants towards seven specific beneficiary groups. Our aims are to: make a lasting difference to people’s lives; reduce isolation, stigma and discrimination; and to encourage or enable unpopular groups to share in the life of the whole community."
The W.G Edwards Charitable Foundation

The W G Edwards Charitable Foundation is an independent grant-making charity, which assists with the provision of care and aims to improve the wellbeing of older people in the UK. The Foundation gives grants to capital projects, refurbishment and for equipment, in addition to innovative schemes for ongoing care and projects which help people live active and fulfilling lives.

Edgar E Lawley Foundation
The Edgar E Lawley Foundation is a grant giving Charitable Foundation founded in 1961 by a gift from the late Edgar E Lawley.
The Albert Hunt Trust

The Albert Hunt Trust’s mission is to promote and enhance the physical and mental welfare of individuals, or groups of individuals, excluding research or the diagnosis of specific medical conditions, by the distribution of trust funds, at the sole and absolute discretion of the Trustees, to UK registered charities that are actively engaged in that field of work.